Monday, February 18, 2008

If You Want to Increase Sales, Increase Product Knowledge First - Profit Pointers Curriculum, Issue 3, If You Want to Increase Sales, Increase Product Knowledge First - Profit Pointers™ Curriculum, Issue 3

From Christine Harvey (For application of these principles to:  business, real estate, network marketing, personal development, see APPLICATION TIPS below.)

Hi all,             

When pursuing profit, many business owners and managers think that they can train their people on the virtues of their products or services ONCE, and then expect those people to go out and sell like experts. NOT TRUE!

The fact of the matter is that our brains forget 80% of what we hear after two days! So as owners and managers, we have to train ourselves and others repeatedly and systematically to learn the features and benefits of our products and services.

But there’s no time, you protest. Then you’ll like the research by Tony Buzan, Edward De Bono and others showing techniques that work for the brain to learn faster and retain more.

When I was interviewed about pursuing profit on the Brian Hayes Radio Show, I shared the principles from my book, ‘In Pursuit of Profit,’ as follows:

  1. Repeat, repeat, repeat – think of fun ways to review what you are learning or what you are teaching. Let’s say you have a really important point you want remembered and used to increase sales. Then review it 7 minutes after you first learn or teach it.  Then 30 minutes later and 90 minutes later, then 2 days later and a week later.
  2. Give Positive, Not Negative Reinforcement – My co-author Bill Sykes, an organizational development expert says, “Don’t embarrass people publicly, even in jest. The person will not like it and others will side with the one who is embarrassed, not you.” Instead give positive reinforcement — we al learn faster in a positive environment. A kind word goes a long way. What kind of positive reward system can you set up for yourself and others?

        So, if you want to increase sales, increase product knowledge first. Do it by repetition and positive reinforcement.

3 MINUTE FOCUS TIP: Decide first what one piece of product information you and your sales people would need to become top sales performers.
  Second, review that piece of information at your next opportunity – perhaps a sales meeting or tele-conference, or just a session on your own.
Third, repeat that point 7 minutes later, 30 minutes later and 90 minutes later! Lastly, give yourself and others positive, not negative reinforcement.


Business, USE THIS FOCUS TIP to train employees, or sales people to improve sales and profit. Try it yourself to improve your own capabilities.

Real estate, USE THIS FOCUS TIP with your assistant, team members and yourself to improve sales and profit.

Network marketing, USE THIS FOCUS TIP with your team members and yourself to improve sales, recruitment and profit.

Personal development, USE THIS FOCUS TIP with yourself to improve you’re ability to be persuasive.

REFERENCE RESOURCE: Chapter 2, Pages 25-33,  In Pursuit of Profit, by Christine Harvey - an international best seller, published in 8 languages and used by corporations and Institutes of Management around the world.

       Christine Harvey is the Author of 6 Business and Leadership Books published in 25 languages by 48 publishers worldwide, including international best seller ‘In Pursuit of Profit.’
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