Saturday, February 24, 2007

Want More Support In Reaching Your Goals?

There’s still time to join us on Monday’s call if you hurry up and sign up now …

All of our members will be getting together by phone to support each other in our individual goals. So don’t miss out.

Get back in touch with the real dreams and abilities you know you have!

That’s Monday, Feb 26th!!! (5:30 PST or 8:30 EST) As soon as you register, you’ll get an email auto response with the call in number and access code

You can participate by sharing your goals, or you can just listen to the Mastermind process we use. Either way, it will be a huge help to you in climbing out of the dull-drums that occasionally creep up, and start to see HUGE POSSIBILITIES FOR YOUR LIFE. No matter where you are at this moment, there’s way more potential for you to reap.

We’ll be quoting from great books and personal experiences. You’ll hear the Founders of, Christine Harvey and Liz Uible, share success principles, and learn how to manifest YOUR goals. Most of all, as one member said, I’m so grateful to be around like-minded powerful women.” There seems to be so much power connected with being in a new group that sees you for what you are today, and for your true potential. Having people believe in you is a pricelist gift. It’s not always available in the people we see daily, and sometimes we have to move into new circles to make our new goals and visions come true. The old adage seems true: “Make new friends and keep the old, one is silver and the other is gold.” We’re definitely going for the gold with this group. As another member said, “Just hearing the reassuring voices of our Founders, puts me in touch with my own inner core of beliefs again. Sometimes we get thrown off course and it feels so good to come back in touch with what I know to be true.”

WHEN… So join us for our Mastermind on Monday, Feb 26th!!! (5:30 PST – 8:30 EST) As soon as you register, you’ll get the call in number and access code.

HOW… Just go to

FORMAT OF MONDAY’S MASTERMIND CALL FOR MEMBERS ONLY: (Sign up at the above link to become a member)

Start: 5:30 Pacific Standard Time (8:30 Eastern) … Hear the Founders of, Christine Harvey and Liz Uible, share success principles
Next: 5:50 PST (8:50 Eastern) …‘YOUR TIME’ – Focus on you and your goals, input and ideas from others (Have a goal ready that you want help on.)
Raising the bar: 6:15 PST – (9:15 Eastern) … Preparation for March, the coming month of manifesting your highest!
Finish: 6:30 PST – (9:30 Eastern) … Leave the call with new aspirations and knowledge of your own possibilities

See you then!!! That’s Monday, Feb 26th!!! (Starting time for the call is 5:30 PST or 8:30 EST) As soon as you register, you’ll get an email auto response with the call in number and access code. Give it a try, we guarantee your satisfaction. Just go to

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