Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Is That Dollar in Your Pocket, Really Worth a Dollar?

Will your money buy anything in a year? In 5 or 10 years?

Our own Tom Harvey has been tracking the value of the dollar in your pocket and reporting on it daily*. Taking the news on the ‘Sub-Prime Meltdown’ and making the impact to your pocketbook clear. Distilling the adventure that is the current economy so we can navigate it to create real prosperity.

How can we safely profit from the big-guy’s failures? He analyzes it all and gives us the secrets the press isn’t talking about.

In last Friday’s post he wrote:

“The Stock Market went up 119 points today because President Bush announced help for some homeowners with good credit and only a little behind in paying their mortgage.

Here are the details behind the speech. The fine print said those lenders have 2,200,000 mortgages out there that are predicted to default and end up in foreclosure. President Bush’s help through the FHA is stated by the FHA to help about 80,000 households. You do the math. The President’s announcement is nothing more than political rhetoric.”

Tonight we are asking Tom to explain even more. To define terms, cut through the rhetoric we hear on the news and in the papers, and just give us the real story. All live for you. And he agreed. Just the real story**.

He will tell us:
What does all this mean to my real estate portfolio?

What does it mean for the savings and investment accounts I have?
In all this ‘market turmoil,’ how can I get the edge to create massive wealth?

What is inflation?
…and what does it mean to your bank account?
…and how can you make big money on it?
…what does it mean for your investments?

What does the international currency market look like?
…and how can you protect your hard-earned assets from erosion?
…and how can you cash-in on the weak dollar?

What about the Gold and Silver Markets?
…what’s the big deal and why these seem to be going up
…how this market can protect your family’s nest egg

Where is all this market talk going and what should we be looking for in the coming months?
…learn what sign-posts to look for in the market to change strategies

Tom will explain it all tonight, Wednesday September 5th at 6pm Pacific, 9pm Eastern. Click here to get access to this live call and access to the recording. Plus ask questions and personalize the discussion for your own situation!

This is a call we are pleased to offer at a discounted rate to our entire community, men and women, so that every person and every family who wants to protect assets and/or make a bundle, can have the information to do so. But you have to act to get this important information. Please register above.

We look forward to exploring this world together!

All the best as you grow and prosper,

Liz and Christine


*Right now, the reports Tom has been writing are on

** This is the real story as Tom sees it. Please note that this call (and this email) is for your information and education only. It will help you to understand what you see and hear happening in the media and in the economy and make decisions for yourself about your money. It is not intended in any way to be investment advice. We are not licensed to do that.

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