Monday, April 21, 2008

The 17 Minute Focus Window- - Profit Pointers Curriculum, Issue 11

       The 17 Minute Focus Window- - Profit Pointers™ Curriculum, Issue 12

From Christine Harvey (For application of these principles to:  business, real estate, network marketing, personal development, see APPLICATION TIPS below.)

Hello all,

I’ll never forget the two accountants who attended our ‘In Pursuit of Profit Seminar.’ Everyone else attending waned to achieve MORE SALES. But not them. They said, “Christine our problem is that we have TOO MUCH BUSINESS – we can’t handle it all.”

“Hum,” I thought. We had not encountered anyone coming to a business improvement seminar with too much business, so we invited them to sit in the back and listen, so they could get some inspiration.

Sure enough, the next morning they come bursting in so excitedly, we thought they won the lottery! “Look at this!” they said, waving a check in their hands.

Apparently they had had a breakfast meeting with a prospective client and instead of rolling out their whole line up of services, they cut to the chase and asked the prospective customer to explain her needs. When she told them she needed a trust, they focused only on her needs of the trust. In under 20 minute they explained it, she said “Yes, please, let’s proceed,” and handed them a deposit check in advance!

They were acting on what they learned in the seminar the previous day – that was The 17 Minute Focus Window. What that means is that the peak attention span of most humans is 17 minutes.

If you ask the needs of your clients, and focus on solving their problem in the first 17 minutes, your changes of success are greatest. On the other hand, if you waste those 17 precious minutes – for example pontificating on your company or your list of services that DO NOT meet their needs, you’re dead. You’ve wasted their time and yours, and lost the sale!

So why not learn the secret rule of the 17 Minute Focus Window in everything in life and business. Your results and profit will be increased and your wasted time reduced!

3 MINUTE ACTION TIP: Think about your business, job or life now. Where do you want to save time and get better results? Maybe it’s with sales. But it could also be with meetings or phone calls, or anything else. Think of how can you use this 17 Minute Focus Window. Ask for the need of the person/people, then focus your conversation on fulfilling that need. Try it and then glory in your results!!!


Business, USE THIS ACTION TIP to train employees to use the 17 Minute Focus Window process with customers to increase sales and bring profit to your organization.

Real estate, USE THIS ACTION TIP with your assistant, team members and yourself to improve sales and profit – AND to save time.

Network marketing, USE THIS ACTION TIP with your team members and yourself to save time, and improve sales and profit.

Personal development, USE THIS ACTION TIP with all communication to improve your results.

REFERENCE RESOURCE: Chapter 7, Pages 69-74,  In Pursuit of Profit, by Christine Harvey - an international best seller, published in 8 languages and used by corporations and Institutes of Management around the world.

Have you heard how Prosperity Partners™ achieve together? Don’t be left out - join our Prosperity Team™ for high achievers and see how your goals can be transformed overnight. The new team will be starting next month! Go to this link for info:

Christine Harvey is the Author of 6 Business and Leadership Books published in 25 languages by 48 publishers worldwide,
            including international best seller ‘In Pursuit of Profit.’

Why not forward this to another person who can benefit – you’ll be helping them AND the economy at the same time.


Friday, April 18, 2008

Your Unique Talents ­ Manifest Moments=?ISO-8859-1?B?gQ==?=, Issue 7

From Christine Harvey,

Yesterday I was sitting in from of my computer and a feeling of nausea came over me. I was trying to navigate around a new network for the first time, and it was driving me nuts. My goal had been to explore ‘groups’ and see what I liked. However it seemed that every click I made lead to something different than groups. My impatience was growing and I could feel myself really wanting to quit.

Suddenly a magnificent thing happened! My mind flashed back to an exercise we do with Prosperity Partners™. I immediately asked myself what ‘unique ability’ I had to pull myself through this. What then popped into my mind was something from my teens. It was a learned skill that eventually lead to winning a trip to Paris years later.  

At that time, I had a summer sewing class. The teacher, Miss Kearns, had a fabulous way of making us rip out our stitching and do it over an over until it was perfect. She simply said, “This has got to go.” She never said, “This is awful.” She just kept repeating, “This has got to go,” and sent us back to redo it until it was perfect - and so I acquired the ‘unique ability’ of being persistent in order to reach an end goal. Some years later, I entered Singer’s worldwide sewing contest and won first place worldwide using this skill of persistence.

So the question I asked myself yesterday, sitting in front of my computer was this - “Christine, do you have a success from your past proves that you can have attention to detail?” The answer I got was when thinking of that accomplishment was, “You bet you do!”

Now it’s time for YOU to think of YOUR unique talents, and how they will propel you to YOUR GOAL.

3 MINUTE FOCUS TIP: Think of as many accomplishments from your past as you can. Think back to your teens and childhood. Think back to your early career, to awards and competitions you won in school. They will all tell you important indicators about yourself. Do you see ambition, persistence, can-do-it attitude? You’ll see many more skills and unique talents. Make a list of all those accomplishments and next to it write the skill or talent that allowed you to do it. Now, think of a goal you currently have. Pick a unique talent from your list, and let that the knowledge of that talent propel you to your goal.

Have you heard how Prosperity Partners™ achieve together? Don’t be left out - join our Prosperity Team™ for high achievers and see how your goals can be transformed overnight. Go to this link for info:

Christine Harvey is the Author of 6 Business and Leadership Books published in 25 languages by 48 publishers worldwide,
            including international best seller ‘In Pursuit of Profit.’

Why not forward this to another person who can benefit – you’ll be helping them AND the economy at the same time.

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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Marking the Brain Cells- - Profit Pointers Curriculum, Issue 10

       Marking the Brain Cells- - Profit Pointers™ Curriculum, Issue 10

From Christine Harvey (For application of these principles to:  business, real estate, network marketing, personal development, see APPLICATION TIPS below.)

Hello all,

Top sales skills are rare – and invaluable!

Having sales skills can mean a huge difference between profit or loss.

For business owners, sales people and corporate managers, profit is critical. This process of ‘Marking the Brain Cells’ will help you catapult your sales to higher profit.

In our Pursuit of Profit seminars, the single biggest skill we see in the top sales achievers is this ... It’s the ability to help customers recognize their needs – AND to verbalize their own needs.

The Profit Solution is this... When a customer verbalizes their own needs, their needs then become indelibly stamped on their brains. That’s what we call ‘marking the brain cells.’ We should think of ourselves as facilitators who interview to diagnose problems and propose solutions. By asking questions in this way, we help customers see their needs with more impact.

The opposite way, the way that achieves low results is this... It’s is to start by telling customers about our product or service BEFORE we do the needs interview. It’s only AFTER the needs interview, that we can explain the features and benefits that relate to the customer. To not do this, is to lose the sale.

Questioning is essential. Prospects who are told exactly what a product does, are NOT convinced. However, when asked questions about their needs, their answers reinforce their reason for buying. It marks their brain cells! And THAT makes the sale.

Let’s look at some examples.

If it’s health product, you could start by asking about the prospect’s health goals – do they want more energy or do they have a chronic problem that holds them back? Is it for themselves or for a family member or both? What are their combined needs?

If it’s an equipment sale, or a consulting service, or anything else - you want to ask what results they hope to receive – time saving, production efficiency, replacement of staff?

So if you want profit for your products and services, start by putting yourself in the frame of mind of a buying facilitator - asking questions in such a way that allows your prospect to verbalize his or her OWN needs. Now you are ‘Marking the Brain Cells’ for a yes to the buying question!

3 MINUTE ACTION TIP: Think about your life now. Who do you want to influence for a ‘buying decision?’ Maybe it’s a customer. But it could also be a family member or a boss. Think of how can you use the questioning process – how you can be the facilitator to get THEM to express THEIR NEEDS. Only then put your proposal forward.


Business, USE THIS ACTION TIP to train employees to use the questioning process with customers to increase sales and bring profit to your organization.

Real estate, USE THIS ACTION TIP with your assistant, team members and yourself to improve sales and profit.

Network marketing, USE THIS ACTION TIP with your team members and yourself to improve sales and profit.

Personal development, USE THIS ACTION TIP with yourself to improve your influence, and leadership performance.

REFERENCE RESOURCE: Chapter 6, Pages 63-67,  In Pursuit of Profit, by Christine Harvey - an international best seller, published in 8 languages and used by corporations and Institutes of Management around the world.

Have you heard how Prosperity Partners™ achieve together?
Don’t be left out - join our Prosperity Team™ for high achievers and see how your goals can be transformed overnight. Go to this link for info:

Christine Harvey is the Author of 6 Business and Leadership Books published in 25 languages by 48 publishers worldwide,
            including international best seller ‘In Pursuit of Profit.’

Why not forward this to another person who can benefit – you’ll be helping them AND the economy at the same time.

Marking the Brain Cells- - Profit Pointers Curriculum, Issue 10

       Marking the Brain Cells- - Profit Pointers™ Curriculum, Issue 10

From Christine Harvey (For application of these principles to:  business, real estate, network marketing, personal development, see APPLICATION TIPS below.)

Hello all,

Top sales skills are rare – and invaluable!

Having sales skills can mean a huge difference between profit or loss.

For business owners, sales people and corporate managers, profit is critical. This process of ‘Marking the Brain Cells’ will help you catapult your sales to higher profit.

In our Pursuit of Profit seminars, the single biggest skill we see in the top sales achievers is this ... It’s the ability to help customers recognize their needs – AND to verbalize their own needs.

The Profit Solution is this... When a customer verbalizes their own needs, their needs then become indelibly stamped on their brains. That’s what we call ‘marking the brain cells.’ We should think of ourselves as facilitators who interview to diagnose problems and propose solutions. By asking questions in this way, we help customers see their needs with more impact.

The opposite way, the way that achieves low results is this... It’s is to start by telling customers about our product or service BEFORE we do the needs interview. It’s only AFTER the needs interview, that we can explain the features and benefits that relate to the customer. To not do this, is to lose the sale.

Questioning is essential. Prospects who are told exactly what a product does, are NOT convinced. However, when asked questions about their needs, their answers reinforce their reason for buying. It marks their brain cells! And THAT makes the sale.

Let’s look at some examples.

If it’s health product, you could start by asking about the prospect’s health goals – do they want more energy or do they have a chronic problem that holds them back? Is it for themselves or for a family member or both? What are their combined needs?

If it’s an equipment sale, or a consulting service, or anything else - you want to ask what results they hope to receive – time saving, production efficiency, replacement of staff?

So if you want profit for your products and services, start by putting yourself in the frame of mind of a buying facilitator - asking questions in such a way that allows your prospect to verbalize his or her OWN needs. Now you are ‘Marking the Brain Cells’ for a yes to the buying question!

3 MINUTE ACTION TIP: Think about your life now. Who do you want to influence for a ‘buying decision?’ Maybe it’s a customer. But it could also be a family member or a boss. Think of how can you use the questioning process – how you can be the facilitator to get THEM to express THEIR NEEDS. Only then put your proposal forward.


Business, USE THIS ACTION TIP to train employees to use the questioning process with customers to increase sales and bring profit to your organization.

Real estate, USE THIS ACTION TIP with your assistant, team members and yourself to improve sales and profit.

Network marketing, USE THIS ACTION TIP with your team members and yourself to improve sales and profit.

Personal development, USE THIS ACTION TIP with yourself to improve your influence, and leadership performance.

REFERENCE RESOURCE: Chapter 6, Pages 63-67,  In Pursuit of Profit, by Christine Harvey - an international best seller, published in 8 languages and used by corporations and Institutes of Management around the world.

Have you how Prosperity Partners™ achieve together?
Don’t be left out - join our Prosperity Team™ for high achievers and see how your goals can be transformed overnight. Go to this link for info:

Why not forward this to another person who can benefit – you’ll be helping them AND the economy at the same time.

Christine Harvey is the Author of 6 Business and Leadership Books published in 25 languages by 48 publishers worldwide,
            including international best seller ‘In Pursuit of Profit.’

------ End of Forwarded Message

Monday, April 07, 2008

Close the Leadership Gap- - Profit Pointers Curriculum, Issue 9

       Close the Leadership Gap- - Profit Pointers™ Curriculum, Issue 9

From Christine Harvey (For application of these principles to:  business, real estate, network marketing, personal development, see APPLICATION TIPS below.)

Hi all,  

If you want to make a profit, you have to close the leadership gap.

You’ve probably seen the demonstration in which someone says “Try to pick up this pencil.” Then when the person starts to touch the pencil, the demonstrator says, “Stop. I said TRY to pick it up - - that’s different than actually doing it.”

That difference between trying and doing is the leadership gap. It’s also called ‘the accountability gap.’

The problem is that some people think they are being accountable because they show up, or they ‘try.’ They do part of the steps and let themselves off the hook. They have no experience in being called to task when the job isn’t completed. That’s the leadership gap.

We humans also have this problem in relationship to ourselves. We have a goal, or something we really want to accomplish today, and yet we let it slide away undone with an excuse about not having time, or changing priorities. So we mentally ‘tried,’ but actually failed to deliver even to ourselves.

It’s only when we, or our employees, actually deliver the end result that we will profit. It’s essential for us as leaders to teach the difference between trying and doing. As I said in In Pursuit of Profit, “Our job is to train people to see the end result and all the segments necessary to reaching it.”

So if you want to make a profit, you need to keep performance on track. That can only be done if people know the exact end result to be achieved and all the steps necessary to get there.

3 MINUTE FOCUS TIP: Today, watch for how incomplete tasks show up. Watch for how someone, including yourself, misses the mark and quits before the end result is actually achieved. Then come forward and review the steps. See where the task went off track. Show them where they were on the ‘right trail,’ and just got side tracked. By helping them get back ‘on track,’ you’ll be achieving the end goal for them, you and the company.  Your leadership here will close the ‘accountability gap,’ the leadership gap.’


Business, USE THIS FOCUS TIP to train employees to reach goals that bring profit and high performance to the organization.

Real estate, USE THIS FOCUS TIP with your assistant, team members and yourself to improve performance, and profit.

Network marketing, USE THIS FOCUS TIP with your team members and yourself to improve results leading to instant profit.

Personal development, USE THIS FOCUS TIP with yourself to improve your leadership and personal performance.

REFERENCE RESOURCE: Chapter 5, Pages 55-59,  In Pursuit of Profit, by Christine Harvey - an international best seller, published in 8 languages and used by corporations and Institutes of Management around the world.

Want to achieve even more?
Don’t be left out - join our Prosperity Team™ for high achievers and see how your goals can be transformed overnight. Go to this link for info:

Christine Harvey is the Author of 6 Business and Leadership Books published in 25 languages by 48 publishers worldwide,
            including international best seller ‘In Pursuit of Profit.’

Why not forward this to another person who can benefit – you’ll be helping them AND the economy at the same time.

Friday, April 04, 2008

The Power of Forgiveness ­ Manifest Moments=?ISO-8859-1?B?gSA=?=Curriculum, Issue 5

From: Christine Harvey, Author - In Pursuit of Profit, International Best Seller in 8 Languages
The Power of Forgiveness
– Manifest Moments™ Curriculum, Issue 5

H ave you ever wondered about how to achieve the power of forgiveness?

Gerald Jampolsky tells about a woman whose son was accidentally killed by a drunken young man, in his book ‘One Person Can Make a Difference.’ For years the woman did everything she could to keep this man from being released from prison. Then she discovered that she was destroying herself through this hate and bitterness. Her hair was falling out, her gall bladder had problems, and she was plagued by skin rash. “The hate inside of me was attacking my own body,” she said.
“Somehow I began to know inside of me that if I was to survive, forgiveness was not an option but a necessity,” she continued. “I couldn’t live the rest of my life with pain and anger. I chose not to do it anymore.” Instead she chose to talk with him about how it occurred, and what conditions he faced at the time of the accident. “Then I could see him as a person who made a serious mistake, but was also a caring, sensitive and vulnerable person.”
As Jampolsy witnessed this remarkable forgiveness, this thought occurred to him. “If this woman could forgive someone who murdered her son, then the rest of us ought to be able to heal whatever unhealed relationships we are holding onto.”
Instantly as Jampolsky had that thought, a picture jumped into his mind of a person he knew who he still resented. “Suddenly, without my doing anything, I felt a sense of total compassion and love towards this person, that was beyond anything I could have imagined,” he said.
3 MINUTE FOCUS TIP: Let your mind jump now to a person you still feel resentment toward. Reflect as Jampolsky did. If this woman could forgive, why not GIVE YOURSELF THE OPPORTUNITY to let forgiveness fill your heart too? Remember, you are doing it for yourself - and the world will be a better place for this action.
Jampolsky says that our egos want us to believe two things that are unsound. One is to hold onto our resentments forever. The other untruth is that if we forgive, we will be hurt again. Don’t let this happen to you. The world needs you in your full glory and unreserved love for humanity and yourself! Try to let go today, and see what happens FOR YOU.
All best,

Christine Harvey is the Author of 6 Business and Leadership Books published in 25 languages by 48 publishers worldwide, including international best seller ‘Success Motivation in a Week.’
Why not forward this to another person who can benefit – you’ll be inspiring them AND they in turn will inspire the world!
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