Monday, April 07, 2008

Close the Leadership Gap- - Profit Pointers Curriculum, Issue 9

       Close the Leadership Gap- - Profit Pointers™ Curriculum, Issue 9

From Christine Harvey (For application of these principles to:  business, real estate, network marketing, personal development, see APPLICATION TIPS below.)

Hi all,  

If you want to make a profit, you have to close the leadership gap.

You’ve probably seen the demonstration in which someone says “Try to pick up this pencil.” Then when the person starts to touch the pencil, the demonstrator says, “Stop. I said TRY to pick it up - - that’s different than actually doing it.”

That difference between trying and doing is the leadership gap. It’s also called ‘the accountability gap.’

The problem is that some people think they are being accountable because they show up, or they ‘try.’ They do part of the steps and let themselves off the hook. They have no experience in being called to task when the job isn’t completed. That’s the leadership gap.

We humans also have this problem in relationship to ourselves. We have a goal, or something we really want to accomplish today, and yet we let it slide away undone with an excuse about not having time, or changing priorities. So we mentally ‘tried,’ but actually failed to deliver even to ourselves.

It’s only when we, or our employees, actually deliver the end result that we will profit. It’s essential for us as leaders to teach the difference between trying and doing. As I said in In Pursuit of Profit, “Our job is to train people to see the end result and all the segments necessary to reaching it.”

So if you want to make a profit, you need to keep performance on track. That can only be done if people know the exact end result to be achieved and all the steps necessary to get there.

3 MINUTE FOCUS TIP: Today, watch for how incomplete tasks show up. Watch for how someone, including yourself, misses the mark and quits before the end result is actually achieved. Then come forward and review the steps. See where the task went off track. Show them where they were on the ‘right trail,’ and just got side tracked. By helping them get back ‘on track,’ you’ll be achieving the end goal for them, you and the company.  Your leadership here will close the ‘accountability gap,’ the leadership gap.’


Business, USE THIS FOCUS TIP to train employees to reach goals that bring profit and high performance to the organization.

Real estate, USE THIS FOCUS TIP with your assistant, team members and yourself to improve performance, and profit.

Network marketing, USE THIS FOCUS TIP with your team members and yourself to improve results leading to instant profit.

Personal development, USE THIS FOCUS TIP with yourself to improve your leadership and personal performance.

REFERENCE RESOURCE: Chapter 5, Pages 55-59,  In Pursuit of Profit, by Christine Harvey - an international best seller, published in 8 languages and used by corporations and Institutes of Management around the world.

Want to achieve even more?
Don’t be left out - join our Prosperity Team™ for high achievers and see how your goals can be transformed overnight. Go to this link for info:

Christine Harvey is the Author of 6 Business and Leadership Books published in 25 languages by 48 publishers worldwide,
            including international best seller ‘In Pursuit of Profit.’

Why not forward this to another person who can benefit – you’ll be helping them AND the economy at the same time.

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