Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Secret of People Triangle ­ Manifest Moments=?ISO-8859-1?B?gQ==?=, Issue 19

From Christine Harvey,

Do you want to develop or strengthen a relationship with someone? It could be in business or in your personal life. It could even be a customer, or your child’s teacher. It matters not who – this method works with everything and everyone.

If so, here’s the powerful methodology.
In fact, I’ve found it to be SO powerful, that I’ve decided to call it ‘The Secret of People Triangle.’ Here’s how it works.

The 3 sides of the triangle are:

  1. Communication
  2. Feeling Connected
  3. Seeing the world the same

The profound thing about this triangle is this:
As one side goes up, they all go up. However as one side goes down, they all go down.

Now let’s consider that important point. Let’s say that there is someone in your life who is getting on your nerves. Things just don’t seem right at the moment, and you want to restore it to harmony and closeness. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a colleague or a family member.

Using the triangle principle above, all you have to do is to grasp one of the sides and apply it immediately. By having 3 sides, you have 3 choices, ie total flexibility. You can use any one of the 3 sides of the triangle that seems easiest at that particular moment. Remember again - as one side goes up, they all go up.

For example, let’s say that you do something to enhance the ‘feeling of connectedness’ between you and the other person – it could be just a phone call to say hello or to commiserate over a problem at work. ‘Feeling Connected’ is side 2 of the triangle. By attacking side 2, side one and three automatically go up.

And all three together lead to understanding. Understanding can be defined in several ways. Included are feeling known for who you are, feeling known for what you do and feeling acknowledged. Everyone human being in the world responds to that.

Here are some ways I’ve used the triangle successfully over the last two weeks.

First, I’ve had a good friend for several years but recently I’ve not seen her or spoken to her. Before I learned about the triangle, I was feeling a bit awkward about this. I felt we were separated, that too much time had gone by, and I wasn’t sure how to go about re-connecting. The longer I waited, the worse I felt. I wasn’t really giving it much conscious effort, it was just there in the back of my mind nagging at me.

When I learned about the triangle, I knew instantly that all I needed to do was to make us feel connected, and then all three of the sides of the triangle would go up. I knew that a simple phone call would do the trick. So I left her a very warm and friendly voice mail, which lead to a call back and a lunch date.

Second, that small success lead me to think of all the people in my life who I felt disconnected from. Several years ago I used to host parties to stay connected with them all. More recently, although I missed them, it felt like ‘oh, too much trouble.’ I also felt a bit awkward in that they never or rarely reciprocated. However they ALWAYS came when I invited them.

So, I said to myself, why not drop that gibberish in my head and get with the triangle principles? Why not have a spur of the moment party? Nothing fancy – just drinks and appetizers.  That was on Tuesday last week. On Wednesday I created the email invitation. I sent it out Thursday for a next night party. Friday night came and my favorite friends came. We had a blast. More people came than had sent RSVP’s. I ran out of food. I had a hard time keeping up with drinks. We had 2 groups who stayed until the wee hours talking – one group in the living room, the other in the kitchen. Towards the end, I just snuggled into the living room sofa talking to a a good friend and fellow real estate investor who I get to see too rarely. There was a real feeling of connection.

Then everyone said goodbye, and started off home. Ten minutes later the phone rang. Odd I thought – a call so late on Friday night. Oh well, maybe someone left something behind. No, it was one of the guests. He called to invite us to his home the following evening! So you can see a positive chain of events caused by applying this triangle principle.

Third, I’ve used the ‘shared vision’ side with my husband on our upcoming trip. By sharing my vision of how I see our time being spent on the trip, I’m using side 2 of the triangle – ‘seeing the world the same.’

Forth, with my business partners I’ve used the concept of the ‘shared vision’ - another way of saying the same thing – with great success. Remember – as one side of the triangle goes up, they all go up. So as the ‘shared vision’ goes up, the feeling of being connected goes up and communication goes up.

3 MINUTE FOCUS TIP: Think now of someone with whom you would like to build a relationship. Will it be a stranger or someone you currently know? Now choose which side of the triangle to apply. Will it be: 1 – Communication, or 2 - Feeling Connected, or 3 - Seeing the world the same? Decide which and carry it out today. The results will amaze you! You never know what chain of reactions you’ll start! Let me know your results.

With love from Christine Harvey

Want to reach a special goal? Maybe something you’ve been putting off? Or maybe something new and exciting – something that glimmers before you? Why not join the next Prosperity Team starting in August for guaranteed results? Yes, we’ll help you GUARANTEE that your results are met with our trademarked processes that have proven results. If your goal is worth $597 to you, jump on board. This may be the last round at this price. A recent competitive analysis shows a $1100 value. To sign up, go to...  

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Gratitude to Parents for Your Unique Qualities=?ISO-8859-1?B?rSA=?= Manifest Moments=?ISO-8859-1?B?gQ==?=, Issue 18

From Christine Harvey,

On our latest Prosperity Team™, one of our members told this story about how she gained her unique skill of seeing the positive side of life in every situation.

That’s a skill that most people LONG TO CULTIVATE, knowing that it will take them to new heights of both success and inner tranquility.

Here’s her story:
When I was five, my mother signed up for a family paper route. At 5AM every morning, my brother and I would climb into the truck with Mom, then travel along each street, throwing the papers from door to door.”

The important thing for Connie however was what went on in the car as they drove. She remembers each morning fondly, because something happened that influenced her life and her career - AND would prove to last a life time.

This is what it was... “Each morning Mom played a tape of Earn Nightingale. Later I discovered that he was the guru of positive thinking and gratitude.” They probably heard Earl’s classics - things like ‘The Essence of Success,’ and ‘Flames of Hope,’ or ‘Follow Your Interest.’

As a result, Connie has taken on a mind set of positive thinking that has lead her far. It’s lead her to having her own business over the last 12 years. It’s lead her to a successful marriage and spiritual life. It’s lead her to coaching people to improve their sales results, in which she flies all over the world. In fact, she’s has just returned from Trinidad, and is leaving for China soon to extend her market there.

“I attribute my mind set of gratitude and positive thinking to those moments each morning in the car, when my mother had the foresight to play Earl Nightingale tapes - instead of traveling in silence, or letting the kids just play or complain about getting out so early, as kids will often do,” Connie said as she told us of her gratitude to her mother.

Each of us has uniqueness brought about and influenced by our parents. What our yours? It’s important to acknowledge these. When we do, we can build upon them. We can express gratitude for them – to ourselves and yes, why not even to our parents.

This is a subject close to my heart because I lost my father last week rather suddenly. He was living near me independently, and took a trip to see relatives. Three weeks later he died from an infection and heart problems. While I know he’s in good hands and that he had a long life, I still feel sad that I can’t just pick him up and take him places as I used to. Or tease him about his intellect and tell him he could have been a college professor.

In his last moth of life however, I did discover one thing about him - and that was his persistence and determination. Almost each day for 2 weeks, I drove him to an appointment for a treatment. And each day after the appointment, he wanted to stop for ice cream. Some days I wanted to skip the ice cream and get back to what I perceived to be the ‘urgency’ of running my business. But he was relentless in his persistence to stop. One day I said to him, “Well Dad, I never knew before that it was you who I got my persistence from! Thank you.” And I meant it.

If your parents are still here with you, I encourage you to think of what unique skills and talents you got because of them. Then pick up the phone and express that gratitude. You never know, it could be one of the last chances you have.

3 MINUTE FOCUS TIP: Stop now and choose one of your unique talents. Think about how one of your parents might have influenced, encouraged or cultivated that talent. Feel gratitude as Connie did and think of how to express your appreciation. In this way, you can spread the ‘wealth of inspiration’ with others.

With love from,

Friday, July 25, 2008

The Human Factor - - Profit Pointers=?ISO-8859-1?B?gSAgIA==?= Curriculum, Issue 15

(For application of these principles to:  business, real estate, network marketing, personal development, see APPLICATION TIPS below.)

W ant to get better conversion to sales?

Then try this. Consider the human factor - what can you do to show your prospect or client that you really care?

I’ll tell you how we tripled our prospect conversion rate at my company. We simply called the prospect to confirm their appointment and at the same time we said, “We like to have the coffee ready for our guests upon arrival. How do you like yours?”

We were amazed how this touch of personal care increased the number of prospects who actually showed up for our sales appointment AND how it increased our sales conversion.

The fact is that everyone likes to be treated with special care.

Stop now and think of what you can do that’s special for your prospects. What can you do to make them feel important and well cared for? What can you do to give your appointment a special touch?

Remember, 75% of all your potential new business is lost on your customers first point of contact – so use the human factor to reduce that statistic in your business...

3 MINUTE ACTION TIP: To dramatically increase your sales, think of ways to make your prospects feel special before your first meeting. Do something that makes them EAGER to see you!


Business and sales, USE THIS ACTION TIP with customers to convert more prospects to more customers.

Real estate, USE THIS ACTION TIP with your assistant, team members and yourself to improve sales ratios.

Network marketing, USE THIS ACTION TIP with your team members and yourself to improve recruitment and sales.

Personal/ leadership development, USE THIS ACTION TIP with all new contacts to make them eager to meet you.

REFERENCE RESOURCE: Chapter 10, Pages 100-101,  In Pursuit of Profit, by Christine Harvey - an international best seller, published in 8 languages and used by corporations and Institutes of Management around the world.

About the Author:

Christine Harvey was the first woman and first American elected to Chair a London Chamber of Commerce and Industry, where a business start-up initiative was launched with Prince Charles. She also served as Director on the International Board of Zonta, with 36,000 members in 62 countries and Margaret Thatcher as honorary member, as well as two venture capitol boards – one in the UK and one in the US.

She is the author of six international marketing and leadership books now published in 25 languages by 48 publishers, including ‘In Pursuit of Profit.’

She has been a lecturer at the Institute of Directors in London, and her company has trained over 100,000 people in management in Europe, America, Australia and Asia. She was honored by addressing the Parliament of Czechoslovakia on the subject of Privatization of Industry, and the Parliament of Rwanda on Policy for the Growth of Private Industry, and has been consulted by the media in numerous countries.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

How to Replicate Success=?ISO-8859-1?B?rSA=?=Manifest Moments=?ISO-8859-1?B?gQ==?=, Issue 17

Last week 15 businesswomen from Rwanda were selected to come to the US to attend a Mini-MBA program including lectures from millionaire businesswomen. My lecture was Thursday night, and because of my affiliation with Rwandans I stayed the entire week to assist them with their MBA program.

The first two businesswomen
who addressed them talked about their humble upbringing – no running water or indoor ‘facilities.’ The Rwandan women could really relate to this.

So I thought, ‘How can I say something that they can relate to?’ The thought came to my mind to talk about being a shy child. I titled my talk: ‘From Shy Girl to Influential Leader’ Then I taught them leadership skills, and about how leading organizations can enhance your credibility and business profit. I told them how I got elected Chair of the London Chamber of Commerce - the first woman and first American to do so, and how I was invited to address the Czech Parliament on the subject of privatizing industry. I told them about how I got 6 business books published in 25 languages, and franchised my management training in far corners of the world.

That worked! At least half the women come up to me to say they were shy as a child or are still shy. One women with a very influential position in the community confided in me that she had trouble addressing groups and yet the growth of her customer base depended on it. She worried day and night about how she would overcome this fear so that she could achieve her business goal.

Other people came up to me to share similar fear setbacks, and soon my appointment calendar was full with personal coaching appointments.

For the woman with the public speaking fears, since she needed immediate results, I advised her to assign it to her deputy who was outgoing and unafraid of public speaking to recruit customers while she developed her own skills and confidence. I suggested to her something that she should study those who are at ease – such as her deputy, or presenter on television. She should break those traits down into specific pieces, then mimic those specific traits – one by one - until she is comfortable with them.

For the woman who wanted to increase her clothing store sales, I had her break down her current sales on a monthly basis. She discovered that she had 4 seasons, with vary different sales levels. She was then able to think of extra items she could sell during peak season to increase revenue. She also decided to start a new business during low season!

I told them all about the art teacher I had in night school once who had us draw a sea shell. After we were finished, he asked us to do it again, but this time we were to focus on just one square inch of the sea shell and draw that inch in as much detail as we could. The result was amazing – the amount of detail we captured this time was phenomenal compared to the first time! Why? Because the first time we were viewing it somewhat superficially.

The same is true in business. If we really drill down to the detail – as the woman above did when she broke down her sales to monthly numbers, then you are able to see the detail and develop superior strategies.

The same is true of the woman who wants to master public speaking. By breaking the process down into eye contact, tone of voice etc, the mystery disappears! She can then replicate success – piece by piece, inch by inch!

And so can you!

3 MINUTE FOCUS TIP: The next time you have a fear or mystery in your mind about how to succeed, watch someone who does it well. Divide what they do into specific pieces. Then replicate those specific pieces until you succeed too. Think of your goal now, and decide who or what you will replicate.

Research shows that happiness in life is directly proportional to the speed you are moving toward your goal.
We’ve developed a Goal Achievement Team™ process that REALLY works... It’s $597 for 12 weeks and starts July 26th. We have one space left on this team. Want to join us? (Male and Female Members) Go to this link for info:

Christine Harvey is an international trainer in self development and management development. She’s the Author of 6 Business and Leadership Books published in 25 languages by 48 publishers worldwide, including international best seller ‘In Pursuit of Profit.’

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Important:Economy Issue 7-11-08: Both Sides Of The Mouth

For those of you who don’t subscribe to, I wanted you to see this important issue before the weekend. You can subscribe free at

Subject: Issue 7-11-08: Both Sides Of The Mouth

From Tom Harvey - Author
and Cyrus Uible - technical guru.
 Stocks crashed today on the bad news coming out of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (see analysis below)....
Talking out of both sides of the mouth.....

The stock market was rattled today by the news that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were in deep trouble financially.  Their share value was off 49% and 46%, respectively, early this morning on the news.  (Consider losing half of your stock market investment in an hour's time, and you get a feel of the meltdown going on.)  Part of the news was that the government was considering taking over these Government Sector Enterprises (GSE's) as part of a contingency plan.

Paulson then said there would be "no government bailout", and the government would "support them in their current form."

Sen. Dodd, after talking with Paulson and Bernanke, then said there may be federal help for these GSE's.

All in the same day.  Sounds like conflicting statements on the surface!!!!!!!  My interpretation is that there is PANIC inside the government on this issue.  This smells too much like the Bear Stearns weekend, and I would not be surprised to see something BIG happen on Sunday (the same day of the week that Bear Stearns was rescued.)

Well, let's look at the facts, and come up with our own conclusion.  Clearly Fannie and Freddie are in trouble financially.  Together they hold about $5 Trillion worth of mortgages.  That's a VERY BIG NUMBER.  Even if a very small percentage of those mortgages were to go bad (and going bad is a reality, not a guess), the loss to the GSE's would be catastrophic.  Think bankruptcy for a normal company.

Allowing Freddie and Fannie to go bankrupt is not the decision of the FED or the Treasury. There are BIG political overtones here, and the Congress is the body that would step in and save the day.  The Congress set up these GSE's in the first place (and the G in GSE stands for Government), so they aren't about to let them fail in a Presidential election year.  The Congress would try to strong arm the FED and/or the Treasury into taking action to save these GSE's.

So, the logical conclusion is that YOU are going to bail out Freddie and Fannie. The FED will probably step in, and use those lousy mortgages as collateral  for new loans to these GSE's.  That's what they've been doing with the merchant banks, so what's different here???  The FED's preferred tool is the Discount Window.  The FED could make a statement that the public won't lose any money because these mortgages will ultimately pay off.  When you hear that statement, get scared.  It means YOU are really stuck with the bill in the long run.  Probably it will not only be YOU, but also your CHILDREN and GRAND CHILDREN.

When it comes time to pay the bill, the FED will simply print more money; and by print more money, I mean increase the M3 measure of currency.  Conveniently M3 is no longer being published officially, but other people continue to monitor its growth, and it is currently growing at 16%/year.  (Not coincidentally, I believe the real inflation rate for consumers is around 8% to 10% - so you can see the influence of M3 on inflation.)  So the M3 growth rate will increase, and inflation will increase with it.  One of the unanswered questions is "When will the rest of the world stop buying US Treasuries, and keeping the US Government afloat?"

This is an example of the type of logic and thinking that I want every EconomyGuy reader to be able to do whenever they hear this type of news.

Here are today's numbers:
Dow Jones 30 Industrial - 11229 (up 82 points)
10 Year Treasury Bond - 3.81% (down 0.02%)
Euro - $1.5788
Gold - $942 (up $13)
Oil - $141.65 (up $5.60) - back with a vengeance.
Gasoline - $3.51 (up $0.13)

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Don't see obstacles- - Profit Pointers=?ISO-8859-1?B?gSA=?= Curriculum, Issue 17

I’m in Oklahoma this week, along with other speakers to address 15 business women from Rwanda, with our personal success stories.

The first speaker was a female two star Navy General
– one of only 5 in the nation. She was born to poor parents, no running water, no hope of success at school, but nothing stopped her. She was turned down for promotion often in favor of men, but never stopped applying.

The second was a poor girl from Oklahoma, who grew up with no indoor plumbing. Her first business burned down, but she was back up and running within 24 hours. She rose to run an organization of 600,000 business women and was later asked by the US President to head the United States Mint.

The third was a 27 year old multi-millionaire, born to an immigrant mother into a 2 bedroom townhouse filled with 20 immigrants who slept on floors in sleeping bags. Five years ago she came out of the military, started a business involving government contracts. She uses women, minorities, and disabled vets – and in 5 years has gone from a one woman band to 150 employees and a multi-million dollar business.

What do they all have in common?

They don’t stop at obstacles! You may remember a chart I put in my books called overcoming obstacles. Imagine your goal in the distance. Now imagine some boxes stacked up between you and the goal. Those boxes represent obstacles. The achievement of almost every goal in life will encounter obstacles. Your job is simply this - to decide how you will overcome it.

You have these three simple choices:

1. Will go over the obstacle?
2. Will go under the obstacle?
3. Will go through the obstacle?

It’s that easy!

Remember, profit comes from overcoming obstacles. If we want profit, it’s our job to make sure we let ourselves be blocked by obstacles.

3 MINUTE ACTION TIP: Think about everyone in your next major goal. What roadblocks might pop up? Will you go under it? Over it? Through it?


Business and sales, USE THIS ACTION TIP with all team members or employees to increase sales and bring profit to your organization.

Real estate investment, USE THIS ACTION TIP with your assistant, team members and yourself to improve results.

Network marketing, USE THIS ACTION TIP with your team members and yourself to improve results.

Personal/ leadership development, USE THIS ACTION TIP to make sure you are not blocked.

REFERENCE RESOURCE:  In Pursuit of Profit, by Christine Harvey - an international best seller, published in 8 languages and used by corporations and Institutes of Management around the world.

PS New Goal Achievement Teams™ for high achievers are starting now. Find out HOW YOU CAN BENEFIT...
Go to this link:

Saturday, July 05, 2008

LOVE=?ISO-8859-1?B?rSA=?=Manifest Moments=?ISO-8859-1?B?gQ==?=, Issue 16

From Christine Harvey,

Hi Team -  
Sue, Jamie, Lori Anne, Alice, Deborah, Heiderose, Rebecca, Noelle, Ann, Lloyd, Johanna, Cecelia, Madeleine, Kate (France), Karen, Louise, Theresa (South Africa), Leigh, Karen, Rose, Connie, Amanda Jane, Vickie, Laura, Jamie, Monika, Stacey, Liz, Flo, Viva, Trish, Noelle, Laurie, Darrin, Hilde, Tom, Tommy, and Walter (England).

Young Frank was only a teenager when this happened to him... However the event impacted his entire future, in fact his whole life – the way he’s related to his own wife and his children over the years – the way he’s appreciated every day of his life since that moment some 60 years ago when it happened.

As I heard Frank retell this story with the passion he felt, it made me feel I was there too. It’s impacted me, and I think it will you too.

Here’s Franks true story:

“Some friends and I wanted to make some extra money one summer in Iowa when we were teenagers, and so we went to old farmer John and asked to help with his hay. He hired us but insisted on driving the machinery himself, and leading the efforts in the barn. He was working hard, keeping up with us young lads.

“He even went up on the ladder and has heaving some hay up when suddenly he clutched his heart and fell to the ground below.

“We ran to the barn door and shouted to his wife to call an ambulance.  When she heard our shout, she practically flew out to the bard. She hadn’t stopped to call the ambulance.

“When saw her husband lying on the ground and shouted to him, ‘JOHNNY – WAIT FOR ME!’ What happened next shocked us all. We remember it as if it was yesterday. What she did next was to threw herself to the ground next to him, hold his hand and close her eyes.

“Within two minutes they were both dead,” said Frank. “Farmer John died with a look of total peace on his face, and she with a tranquil slight smile.

“Later, an autopsy showed that farmer John died of a heart attack, but his wife’s cause was listed as unknown.”

Can you image the impact of that event on the life of a teenager? Let’s learn through Frank’s experience. I’ve actually heard of lifetime spouses dying within weeks or days of one another, but this is the first time I’ve heard of such an instantaneous event. May each of us reflect on the power of love.

With love from