Wednesday, July 16, 2008

How to Replicate Success=?ISO-8859-1?B?rSA=?=Manifest Moments=?ISO-8859-1?B?gQ==?=, Issue 17

Last week 15 businesswomen from Rwanda were selected to come to the US to attend a Mini-MBA program including lectures from millionaire businesswomen. My lecture was Thursday night, and because of my affiliation with Rwandans I stayed the entire week to assist them with their MBA program.

The first two businesswomen
who addressed them talked about their humble upbringing – no running water or indoor ‘facilities.’ The Rwandan women could really relate to this.

So I thought, ‘How can I say something that they can relate to?’ The thought came to my mind to talk about being a shy child. I titled my talk: ‘From Shy Girl to Influential Leader’ Then I taught them leadership skills, and about how leading organizations can enhance your credibility and business profit. I told them how I got elected Chair of the London Chamber of Commerce - the first woman and first American to do so, and how I was invited to address the Czech Parliament on the subject of privatizing industry. I told them about how I got 6 business books published in 25 languages, and franchised my management training in far corners of the world.

That worked! At least half the women come up to me to say they were shy as a child or are still shy. One women with a very influential position in the community confided in me that she had trouble addressing groups and yet the growth of her customer base depended on it. She worried day and night about how she would overcome this fear so that she could achieve her business goal.

Other people came up to me to share similar fear setbacks, and soon my appointment calendar was full with personal coaching appointments.

For the woman with the public speaking fears, since she needed immediate results, I advised her to assign it to her deputy who was outgoing and unafraid of public speaking to recruit customers while she developed her own skills and confidence. I suggested to her something that she should study those who are at ease – such as her deputy, or presenter on television. She should break those traits down into specific pieces, then mimic those specific traits – one by one - until she is comfortable with them.

For the woman who wanted to increase her clothing store sales, I had her break down her current sales on a monthly basis. She discovered that she had 4 seasons, with vary different sales levels. She was then able to think of extra items she could sell during peak season to increase revenue. She also decided to start a new business during low season!

I told them all about the art teacher I had in night school once who had us draw a sea shell. After we were finished, he asked us to do it again, but this time we were to focus on just one square inch of the sea shell and draw that inch in as much detail as we could. The result was amazing – the amount of detail we captured this time was phenomenal compared to the first time! Why? Because the first time we were viewing it somewhat superficially.

The same is true in business. If we really drill down to the detail – as the woman above did when she broke down her sales to monthly numbers, then you are able to see the detail and develop superior strategies.

The same is true of the woman who wants to master public speaking. By breaking the process down into eye contact, tone of voice etc, the mystery disappears! She can then replicate success – piece by piece, inch by inch!

And so can you!

3 MINUTE FOCUS TIP: The next time you have a fear or mystery in your mind about how to succeed, watch someone who does it well. Divide what they do into specific pieces. Then replicate those specific pieces until you succeed too. Think of your goal now, and decide who or what you will replicate.

Research shows that happiness in life is directly proportional to the speed you are moving toward your goal.
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Christine Harvey is an international trainer in self development and management development. She’s the Author of 6 Business and Leadership Books published in 25 languages by 48 publishers worldwide, including international best seller ‘In Pursuit of Profit.’

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