Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Mind Set for Financial Freedom

From Christine Harvey

Yesterday I joined a conference call held by David Finkel of Maui Millionaires. He stated a fact I’ve come to know to be true – wealth does NOT come from hard work.

This morning I was reading a book that discussed numerous myths about FINANCIAL FREEDOM. First it defined Financial Freedom to be: When you never do anything that you don’t want to do AND you never omit doing something that you WANT TO DO because of lack of money! I started to think about my life and measure my financial freedom from that viewpoint. I suggest you try it too and see what realizations you get. Here are SOME of the myths as outlined in Money is Your Friend, by Phil Laut:

Myth 1:
Hard work is the causative factor that produces wealth – that earning money is an inherently unpleasant activity.

Myth 2:
It’s not alright to enjoy yourself and get paid for it!

Myth 3:
Education will ensure your financial success.

The EARNING LAW that Laut emphasizes is:
All human wealth is created by the human mind.

On Jan 20 and 21 the Maui Millionaires, lead by David Finkel and Diane Kennedy will hold a Wealth Weekend in Las Vegas. Liz and I will be there. Why not join us? The cost of the event is $500 – well worth it to acquire an ever increasing millionaire mind set. AND all of it will go to CHARITY. This is a mini version of what people pay many thousand to attend.

When you sign up, you can choose your charity. Liz and I are supporting Micro-Lending, and hope you will too.

You can register for the event by clicking here.
Hope to see you there.

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