Monday, January 01, 2007

Starting the New Year right!

From Christine Harvey,

Warren Buffett gave $31 BILLION to the Gates Foundation to administer – I saw his letter to Bill Gates, spelling out the points. How would it feel right now to you if you had $31 BILLION to donate? That would probably mean that you would have some amount left, to do whatever YOU want to do!

How does one person create that much wealth in their lifetime? I believe that we need to look at the foundation stones on which life is built. The foundation stones are like the layers of a cake – the success is like the icing on the cake. If there is no cake, there can be no icing. If there are no foundation stones, there can be no success.

For me the foundation stones are integrity, ethics, and the pillars of life.

Over the next few weeks we’ll be coving those points in detail, based on our findings. In the meantime, please be thinking of your own beliefs – what is integrity, what are ethics, who do you know who displays these, who do you know who does NOT display these and what differences do you see in their lives?

Today at 12 noon Pacific, 3 pm eastern, we’ll be interviewing the first of three extraordinary women who display these traits. Today we’ll talk with Beth Walkup and find out HOW she creates her mind set, how she has developed it over the years, so that we don’t have to re-create the wheel. We can take what we like, adapt it to our needs, and run with it!!! If you would like to join us, just go to and click on Motivational Marathon.

With the donations we receive, we’ll be contributing 100% to giving loans to women in Rwanda to start self supporting businesses and agricultural ventures. It won’t be $31 Billion yet, but it WILL impact the lives of hundreds, maybe thousands. I suppose Warren Buffett started with one small step too. We’ll find out and let you know. Hope to see you on today’s call, or tomorrow when we interview two-time **Business Woman of the Year,** Hilde Bartlett from England!

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