Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The 3 Second Un-Stresser

By Christine Harvey

Dale Carnegie, author of the legendary ‘Win Friends and Influence People,’ talks about the POWER YOU’LL RECEIVE by GIVING a genuine compliment.

I remember well a meeting I attended in London long ago. It was an association of businesswomen, and the guest speaker Barbara, had a suggestion for ridding ourselves of stress. “Anytime you feel like you need a mental boost,” she said, “Glance up and give the person nearest you a quick compliment. If no one is near you, then call someone and give them a compliment.” She went on to challenge us to try it, promising that our own stress would immediately lift in the process.

‘Too good to be true,’ was my initial inner response! How could a simple compliment do such wonders? She went on to let us practice it. And she emphasized that we can even do this with strangers – we need not have to know the person. So as the practice session ensued, we complimented the stranger next to us for her jewelry or her friendly mannerism, or for just being there. Because I worked in a male world, I exercised my opportunity with my male colleagues that week by complimenting their ties, or for the excellent job they did on their reports. Barbara was right, the simple act of giving a compliment changed the dynamics of the inner mindset to be MUCH more positive. No shrink, no medication, rather the inner resource to make an instantaneous difference.

I’ve always had the mindset that life is short and so when ever I pick up a tip for making life better – ESPECIALLY AN EASY TIP, I incorporate it in my life. I began to practice this wherever I could, keeping in mind the principle that a compliment must be genuine, from Dale Carnegie.

One evening I was in Melbourne Australia , delivering a speech at the launch of my book, ‘In Pursuit of Profit.’ I always look out into the faces of the audience when I give speeches and try to connect as I speak. After my speech, a woman came up to me to say how much she enjoyed it. “Oh,” I said. “I noticed your great interest – and by the way, you look so good in that red jacket!” And that was the end of it.

At least until eight or nine months later. I was back in Melbourne again, walking down the street, when I suddenly had a tap on the shoulder. “Aren’t you Christine Harvey?” the person asked. “You probably don’t remember, but I was in your audience some months ago and you complimented me on my red jacket. What you didn’t know at that time was that I was going through a very depressed period of my life. BUT every morning after that when I woke up and I went to my closet, I saw that red jacket and said, ”Christine Harvey said I look good in this red jacket, and it pulled me through the day.” Even now when I tell the story, it sends vibrations down my backbone. The second it took me to give a sincere compliment, and the impact it had a person’s life, and through her, the lives of others.

Do you want to make a 3 second difference in you life today? Do you want to get that vibration level up, and attract positive prosperity to your life? Then use this 3 SECOND FOCUS TIP™ as often as you can today. Give a sincere compliment to you colleague, your spouse, you business partner, your child, your parent, a stranger, the dog – THE POINT IS THAT THERE WILL BE AN INNER SHIFT IN YOU when you get your thoughts off yourself and onto another being. By doing this, you are setting yourself up for prosperity conscientiousness. Prosperity beyond your fondest dreams. Start this instant.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I was Born to Create Something Great

by Christine Harvey

Often we talk about how important it is to develop an awareness of how we project ourselves and what ‘vibrational’ energy we are putting out. Why? The answer is simply – it’s because we attract the SAME back. So if we’re oozing out optimism for our life and our future, we will attract positive people to help us along that journey. If, on the other hand, we allow ourselves to be in a slump – a state of ‘oh how awful IT is’ - whatever that IT might be at that moment – we’ll attract like minded negativity to us. And, the downward spiral will continue.

Now let’s notch it up – let’s look at the Billionaire Mindset, and search out the ESSENTIAL ground floor platform of thinking. What ONE thing can we do today and everyday that will set the stage for ‘positivity’ to flow into our minds. This ‘positivity’ could be in the form of prosperity or goodness or tranquility, peace of mind, gratitude, relationships, health – WHATEVER YOU WANT AND NEED TODAY. What one thing can we do to open us to receiving the messages we need to receive TODAY?

Here’s an answer from Albert Einstein. He tried to get a Ph.D. but his professors didn’t think he was good enough! The empowering mindset Einstein kept was that “I was born to create something great.” What if you let yourself step out of the way for a moment? What IF you stop taking ‘credit’ for your own being on this earth for a moment, and just trust that you are here for a reason? Isn’t it possible that EACH ONE OF US was born to create something great?

What if every morning you awoke with SUCH EXCITEMENT for the possibilities of what you might be guided to create? Isn’t it possible, that in that open state of mind, you might actually be able to create new thoughts, new visions, new possibilities for yourself and those around you?

Here’s your 3 SECOND FOCUS TIP for Billionaire Mindset Building today. The first time today that something unexpected comes into your day, STOP. Don’t react. Before your mind gets a chance to attach any negative reaction to it, STOP and say, “Hum, I wonder what POSSIBILITY this holds?” Then be still. LISTEN and grasp the FIRST creative answer comes to you. Jot it down.

You WERE born to create something special, and this mind-set shift will lead you to it, give you a sense of satisfaction and inner peace.

Try this and let us know YOUR results. Email Co-Founder, Liz Uible:

Who do you know with great potential? Share support and tools of advancement with them:

Monday, January 29, 2007

Satisfaction Jotter

By Christine Harvey

Napolean Hill says in his book, ‘Think and Grow Rich,’ that most people go through life in poverty because they don’t exercise control over their thoughts… “The dominate thoughts which one permits to remain in the conscious mind,” he says - are all powerful.

I remember a young employee I once had who showed great potential, but didn’t have the confidence to do the job we needed him to do – he was uncomfortable making calls to company presidents. I debated about what to do with him. Should I fire him? Or train him? And if so, how?

I decided on this course of action. Every night at 5:25, I sat with him for 5 minutes and asked him to tell me TWO things he enjoyed or got satisfaction from THAT DAY in his job. Then I had him jot it down. After he gave me his two points, I told him a skill I saw in him that allowed him to enjoy that aspect of the job. If he said he enjoyed listening to me talk on the phone to a CEO, I said, “Well Bob, the strength I see in you is that you’re able to discern what is good to say and what’s good not to say. That shows ME that you have great executive potential and will soon be talking to these company presidents like a pro yourself!” You should have seen the look in his eyes as I told him these things! By linking what he enjoyed to his potential, HE SAW HIMSELF IN A NEW LIGHT. (By the way, a side benefit was that it GAVE ME GREAT JOY to impact a human being in this way!)

This procedure became so successful that I devoted an entire chapter on it in my book, ‘Successful Motivation in a Week.’ Afterwards people wrote to say how this technique helped them.

One women, Clara Buck – a VERY DISTINGUISHED BUSINESSWOMAN in England wrote to say, “Although I consider myself a very positive person, I have to tell you that this technique has taken me from having a great life to an amazing life! The first night I started your Satisfaction Jotting, I sat by myself reviewing the day in order to find what I had enjoyed, and here’s what my mind first thought: ‘Surely nothing has been noteworthy.’ The day felt so full of tasks and burdens,” she said.

“But I carried on seeking the gem from that day that I might have enjoyed. What happened next shocked me. I had a flood of fabulous things come to mind from that day – people I talked to on the phone, the colleague who dropped a gift off to me, the gorgeous sunset on my trip home – all of these had been forgotten by my mind.” She went on to say that she believes our minds dwell on negativity unless we CONSCIENTIOUSLY work to see the goodness. Within 3 days of starting the Satisfaction Jotting, she felt she was on a whole new vibration level. “I’m experiencing totally new joy in life, day after day” she said.

Another person – one who HATED HIS JOB, wrote to say that EVERYTHING LOOKED SO BLEAK in his life that he had to force himself to jot down 2 things in the journal each night. He felt desperate and trapped in his job. Within two weeks of reviewing his day for enjoyment and satisfaction points, he was attracting new people in his life and get this – he received a promotion at work! His salary went up commensurately and he was on cloud nine.

He told us, “I can’t believe that a few minutes a day, focusing on something positive, could have changed my life around as it did! Now I’m thinking THROUGHTOUT THE DAY of what I enjoy, and it only takes me seconds to record it at night. What a difference a few seconds and a mind shift can make!”

Try this 3 SECOND FOCUS TIP yourself. Be on the watch today for two things you enjoy or get satisfaction from. Tonight, take 3 seconds to jot them down. When you do this for two weeks, you’ll discover amazing talents you have, your inner confidence will go up, AND you’ll be attracting the people, prosperity and miracles in your life that you seek.

Napolean Hill was right, that most people do go through life in poverty because they don’t exercise control over their thoughts. The dominate thoughts we permit to stay in our minds are all powerful!

Try this and let us know YOUR results.
Email Co-Founder, Liz Uible :

…Who do you know with great potential? Share support and tools of advancement with them:

Positive Vibration Levels

By Christine Harvey

In the book, ‘Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting,’ the author recommends that in order to reach our fondest dreams, we must raise our vibration level so that we ATTRACT those goals.

It makes sense when you think about it. Imagine walking into a room. You see someone who looks extremely negative. Someone who exudes negativity as they speak. Are you likely to be excited about meeting that person - or would you seek someone more pleasant?

Pay attention today as you go about your day. Notice how people walk. How they sit and talk. Observe them from a distance. See how they carry themselves. See what you can tell about them by these signals. When you come across someone who exudes VERY POSITIVE signs, make a mental note of those signs. Do they walk taller, do they talk with a smile instead of a frown, do they have a lightness about them, or a serenity about them?

Make sure to sense what vibrations they are giving off. Check out the folks exuding the negative vibrations. How do they differ? By paying attention to these differences, you’ll gain important information about yourself and what you are exuding.

Now let’s relate it to you. Your goal is to keep yourself OUT of the negative vibrations and INTO the positive vibrations. If you find yourself feeling negative during the day, which is a very human trait, try this 3 SECOND FOCUS TIP for pulling yourself out of it: Look up and think of ANYTHING except yourself FOR AN INSTANT. If you are driving down the street, look out through the windshield at the trees or a building. During the instant OR MORE that you have you mind on that, your vibration level will be higher – YOUR NEGATIVE THOUGHT WILL BE GONE during that instant. Why? Because your mind can only hold one thought at a time.

Try this and let us know YOUR results.
Email Co-Founder, Liz Uible :

…Who do you know with great potential? Share support and tools of advancement with them:

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Creating Equilibrium

Creating Equilibrium

From Liz Uible

Someone complemented me yesterday on my ability to stay “even keel” and not let life’s knocks send me spinning. That made me think. How does one actually become ‘even keel.’ It is certainly not a talent, but a skill that can be learned like any other.

And it is a skill that will make you much happier than you would think.

Many people take a bad situation, or a social ‘snub’ and blow it up so it is a huge event in their lives. I used to be an expert at that. My method of making a little thing big was to tell anyone who would listen. I would seek out people to tell if someone was rude and they would in turn amplify it for me. (“She did what!?!”) I would then start to see the snubbor as a “rude person” or me as somehow deserving of rude treatment. The more people I talked about it with, the more influential the snub became in my view of life and myself. It would send me on a tail-spin.

But the thing is, if my boss was rude, it may have had nothing to do with me or with her. It didn’t make her a rude person. Maybe she was just dealing with a sick child at home. But as I created the ‘stories’ around why she made a rude comment, in my mind she became that way. And then I left my subconscious to figure out why I was deserving of the rudeness.

…Ask any question and your brain will find the answer. So I found lots of ways I was deserving of rudeness over time.

It is easy to create a self-image around having something wrong with you when you talk about what is wrong all the time. Some people go into a tail spin when an offhand comment or other negative happens in their life.

At some point we all have to make a choice. I had to choose that my feelings do not have to determine my thoughts and actions. Feeling can happen, but how I deal with those feelings is MY choice.

And not telling everyone else about it helps, too. J

So I make this challenge to you:

Instead of emphasizing negative feelings by talking about them, why not just let them go? (My physiatrist friends may think this is crazy talk.) Instead of rehashing negatives and creating stronger pathways in your brain to feel bad, why not just pass by it? Stop talking about negative in your life.
Or, if that seems like too much, I challenge you to not talk about a negative situation for at least one week after it happens. Then, after a week, you can decide if it was a big enough situation to rehash with everyone you know. Really do this for 30 days and the results in your life will be amazing. But remember, this takes discipline.

And now I have an Advanced Challenge. This is only for people who really want to get to the next level quickly. Ready? Whenever anyone asks you “how are you?” Pass by the standard “fine” or “good” and go with “Great!” or “Fantastic” or ‘Phenomenal.” That will literally make your brain stand up and listen. It doesn’t matter how you really are in that moment. The second after you tell someone how “great” you are, you will actually be much more “great.” Your brain responds to your command. You really are in charge!

Try it and let me know what happens.

For more information and support in creating Big Success, check out our $10/ month membership program:

Monday, January 22, 2007

Finding Your Definite Major Purpose

By Liz Uible

I am studying Napoleon Hill’s Master Key to Riches, created based on Andrew Carnegie’s Success Principles that made him Millions 100 years ago. I have read it several times, but this week I am amazed at the focus it places on The Law of Attraction, much like our Motivation Marathon a couple weeks ago. He doesn’t name it, but he does speak very clearly about the importance of setting your vibration to the vibration of that you want to attract.

For instance, setting goals and creating plans to attain them helps provide your subconscious with a “Definite Major Purpose.” This Definite Major Purpose is important in many regards:

1a) Any dominating idea or plan held in the mind through repetition or emotionalized with burning desire is taken by the subconscious and “actualized.”

1b) Any idea or plan held in the conscious mind and acted upon with Absolute Faith in its realization is taken over and immediately acted on by the subconscious.

2a) The control over our thoughts, and the Faith we bring to those thoughts, connotes a close connection with “Infinite Intelligence.” So, Thoughts = Faith = Power to Create.

2b) The subconscious is a doorway to “Infinite Intelligence.” Faith and a plan will activate the subconscious to Create.

So my challenge to you today is this:

Find quiet place and sit quietly for 5 minutes. Then take out a pen and your journal and start thinking about YOUR “Definite Major Purpose.” This idea comes straight with our Motivation Marathon Tele-seminar with Sue Dyer.)

1) Find a blank page and write a question at the top. I wrote “What is My Definite Major Purpose in Life?”

2) Then just start writing below. Don’t let your pen stop. As you brainstorm, write everything that comes to mind. Some will feel right, some won’t. Write it all and do not censor yourself.

3) When the answers begin to slow, continue to write. And then, when you truly feel done, take a few minutes to look over your writings. What felt right to you? Do you have your answer, or are you moving in that direction?

When I did this exercise, I had an enormous peace come over me. That may happen immediately, or you may want to try this exercise a few times to get your answer. But you will start to receive it immediately, even if it takes your conscious mind longer to notice.

Are you interested in more information like this? Check out our Wealth Building Support Curriculum!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Thinking Bigger

By Liz Uible

I had a funny date with my husband, Cyrus, last night. We were planning to talk about goals and plans for this year over dinner. I wanted to cover income goals as well as personal and business goals. My Mastermind group had challenged me to look at some things and I wanted to talk them over with him. That was not to be.

As we walked into the restaurant, we immediately spotted an acquaintance and said 'Hi' as we were getting our table. This guy founded a HUGE company and sold it in the 80s. He has since bought, grown and sold several high-performing companies. This 60-something man is full of great business ideas. He has always been nice to us and has great business tips when we chat.

Last night he got up from dinner with his elderly parents and sat down with us almost immediately. He stayed with us for almost the entire time we were there.

As he talked about business ventures and business ideas, I was intrigued. Here I had been about to set an income goal for the year with my husband and instead this guy was talking an idea to start a little company he thinks can make $50,000 per week. Every week. And with little work. Neat.

As I think about it this morning I realize it was the Universe (I think it was God, actually) telling me not to limit myself. Businesses and money come from ideas. And money can come in fast from a good idea, well executed. Maybe I will start using those Motivation Marathon ideas (see earlier posts) to manifest 50k per week.

And so much for a romantic dinner with my husband.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Mind Set for Financial Freedom

From Christine Harvey

Yesterday I joined a conference call held by David Finkel of Maui Millionaires. He stated a fact I’ve come to know to be true – wealth does NOT come from hard work.

This morning I was reading a book that discussed numerous myths about FINANCIAL FREEDOM. First it defined Financial Freedom to be: When you never do anything that you don’t want to do AND you never omit doing something that you WANT TO DO because of lack of money! I started to think about my life and measure my financial freedom from that viewpoint. I suggest you try it too and see what realizations you get. Here are SOME of the myths as outlined in Money is Your Friend, by Phil Laut:

Myth 1:
Hard work is the causative factor that produces wealth – that earning money is an inherently unpleasant activity.

Myth 2:
It’s not alright to enjoy yourself and get paid for it!

Myth 3:
Education will ensure your financial success.

The EARNING LAW that Laut emphasizes is:
All human wealth is created by the human mind.

On Jan 20 and 21 the Maui Millionaires, lead by David Finkel and Diane Kennedy will hold a Wealth Weekend in Las Vegas. Liz and I will be there. Why not join us? The cost of the event is $500 – well worth it to acquire an ever increasing millionaire mind set. AND all of it will go to CHARITY. This is a mini version of what people pay many thousand to attend.

When you sign up, you can choose your charity. Liz and I are supporting Micro-Lending, and hope you will too.

You can register for the event by clicking here.
Hope to see you there.

Addicted to Earned Income?

By Liz Uible

I have heard David Finkel, author of Maui Millionaires, talk about Earned Income as being like Sugar. He points out that eating sugar gives you a short-term high and then a crash and you have to run get more ‘sugar.’ So like sugar, Earned Income can be addictive.

It strikes me that we could take that observation a bit further. I imagine sugar dissolving in a hot liquid (coffee, for instance). Sugar dissolves quickly. To see the crystals, you actually need to continually add sugar. As an employee, to have money in your bank account, you need to continually earn income. That way, you can always see un-dissolved sugar in your account.

The only way to keep the sugar from dissolving so fast, in this earned income model, is to decrease the temperature, in this case, your lifestyle costs. (Most of us learned that in high school science.) The other think you can do, is change the method of delivering that sweetener.

We can take this image a few steps further. I think that passive income, or the “chunk money” you receive when you sell a property for capital gains. So we can talk about Passive Capital Gains as a sugar cube. (One of those natural cubes that come in different shapes and sizes.) The cube may sit there in your beverage, or in your bank account, for a little while before dissolving. It gets smaller and smaller, but eventually dissolves. You can speed up the process by heating up the beverage. In this case that would be equivalent to having a more expensive life style. But the passive income is a lot like earned income. You can get addicted to it.

Residual income, it turns out, is the best kind of sweetener for your lifestyle. This is like honey or that all-natural cane juice they sell in health food stores. This can just keep pouring into your beverage and comes pre-dissolved. It is integrated into your lifestyle. It is a healthy thing to be addicted to because it will never be cut off.

So earned income and passive income is fine. The paychecks can sustain you… unless you have an emergency and can’t work. The passive capital gains can sustain you as long a property is selling and you have more of it to sell. But it is the residual income, the money that comes to you even when you can’t go out and create it… rental income, royalties, residual business income… that will sustain you and your family over a lifetime and keep your financial picture healthy. We can all afford to get addicted to that.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

$100,000 bill

From Liz Uible
I found this $100,000 bill on the Treasury Website.

Did you know that the $100,000 bill is not circulated? This is a photo of the bill that has been circulated intra-bank. It seems it is actually illegal to carry this one in your pocket.

Lesson: If you need to carry $100,000 in your pocket, maybe take 10- $10,000 bills.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Getting your Questions Answered...

From Liz Uible

What a gracious call with Sue Dyer today... in every sense of the word! I took pages and pages of notes as she talked about living life as a gift. Everyone is in my life for a reason.

In fact, if I have faith that I am loved by The Universal Source- God, Universal Intelligence, or whatever works for you- then I can allow ‘it’ to take me on the journey of life. My path. And I can do that without pressure or stress. And I can look for blessings in life that I might not have noticed as blessings. I can live in gratitude.

Sue also talked a little about how she listens to The Spirit (or subconscious) to get the answer to issues or questions. She takes her Journal and writes a question at the top of the page about whatever her topic is that day.

“What is the best way to achieve…”


“God, how can I…”

And then she starts writing underneath the question anything that comes to mind. Answers to the question just start coming. She says she can feel it in her heart when they are truths. And she gets answers she had never imagined before. Are you willing to try it today? I would love to hear your results!

That is the power of creating space in life where the noise and busyness “don’t crowd out the sacred.”

And Sue volunteered to come back. Next month she will talk with us about “acting as if” to manifest what you want in life.

Stay tuned…

In Search of a Miracle

From Christine Harvey

Today on our motivation Marathon to start the new year, we talked with two-time ‘Business Woman of the Year’ in England, Hilde Bartlett about how she credited the book, ‘Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting,’ for being able to sell her business for several million dollars.

She advocated several steps in making your fondest, most incredible, miracle dreams materialize:

  1. Go to a quiet place
  2. Picture something that makes your heart go pitter-patty – maybe a child, or music, or dancing. This raises your ‘vibrational energy.’
  3. State your incredible, miracle dream as if it is already accomplished. Say it out loud as if talking to someone. Her example was, “Angelina, look I’ve just bought this gorgeous 2 story house on the beach. Look at the fabulous sand, and see here I am in my swim suit diving into the waves!”
  4. Then let yourself wallow in that great feeling!
  5. Do this daily. You can have several goals, but try to focus on the major ones repeatedly.
  6. When anything goes wrong during the day, think of that picture from step two, the one that makes your heart go pitter-patter. Bring that ‘vibrational energy’ back to the positive state, and keep a positive expectancy about your dream.

How long will this take, you might ask! Try it and let us know. You can email us at our story will help others.

Tomorrow we have part 3 of our Motivational Marathon. If you would like to join us for this conference call, go to

Here’s what will happen...
JANUARY 3rd, Noon Pacific, 3PM EST: Sue Dyer, business woman extraordinaire, combines it all with serenity, grace and POWER! She's a mother, a business owner and an internationally recognized construction industry Mediator. When you meet her, you’re taken aback with the absolute calm she exudes. Even when working with Hard-Hat construction workers in the most grueling mediation sessions, she's able to keep her serenity! Join our discussion with Sue and learn the tricks of keeping YOUR serenity and balance in life, even when the world is going mad around you.

Here’s one more food for thought. I started today with the thought of positive expectancy of miracles, because I received a book called. ‘In Search of a Miracle,’ written by Hugh and Khara Bromiley. I’ve had the privilege of meeting Khara, and hearing her amazing story. I know you’ll be inspired to when you read it too. I like her opening, as she quotes a poem by Alice M. Muir, called One day to live.

It starts like this...

Had I this one day to live,
One day to love, one day to give,
One day to work and watch and ...

As I read the rest of the poem I thought of how many precious moments we humans take for granted, squander away. We tend to think of money as a precious commodity. But really, isn’t it our time and how we use it, that’s our MOST PRECIOUS commodity?

One day to love, one day to give,
One day to work and watch and ...

What if we treated each day as the most precious? Each person we meet as a treasure? Each thing we touch as a gift. Each thought we get as a blessing? I wonder, I just wonder, what that day might be like! I think we’ll find out from Sue Dyer tomorrow on the Motivation Marathon call, because that’s how she lives her life, and I want to learn to emulate THAT.

Many blessings to you all.

Creating your own future

From Liz Uible

We had a great tele-seminar today with Hilde Bartlett. It was part of the Motivation Marathon. Hilde and Christine focused on manifesting your future ala Excuse Me… Your Life is Waiting by Lynn Grabhorn. Hilde read the book a year and a half ago and attributes her sale of her company for millions and millions of dollars entirely to the vibrational energy she was sending out.

So I realize that might sound far out and “new age-y.” I am from the east coast, so I understand the hang-up. But Hilde is from Britain!

And look at how powerful it is to know that you create your future. If it is truly about visualizing and “being” as you will be when you have, do, or achieve that goal, and that will create the reality, then it is in our power to create our future. It is not our bosses power, or our parents or our spouses power. It is our own power. And that is a big deal.

And Hilde has a compelling story to back up her assertions.

Hilde went from being pretty unhappy running her company and not seeing a way out of it to selling it for millions of dollars literally within one year. She literally got herself in a higher “vibrational state” and visualized how it felt to have sold the company. She felt what it felt like to spend time at the new country home she would buy with the money. She felt the feelings of having already created this fantastic life. And she was able to actually do it in less than a year. (and she says it only took so long because of the size of the goal)

She had little goals along the way that were totally unrelated, but showed that it was working. She felt the feeling of having that parking space near the door and there it was. She expelled the pigeons from her back yard using this technique.

What this tele-seminar illustrated for me, as someone who has already spent some time with these ideas, is that gratitude is important. Love and gratitude are the two highest emotional states. They are the foundation for creating your own life. And that is something that we can all appreciate.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Starting the New Year right!

From Christine Harvey,

Warren Buffett gave $31 BILLION to the Gates Foundation to administer – I saw his letter to Bill Gates, spelling out the points. How would it feel right now to you if you had $31 BILLION to donate? That would probably mean that you would have some amount left, to do whatever YOU want to do!

How does one person create that much wealth in their lifetime? I believe that we need to look at the foundation stones on which life is built. The foundation stones are like the layers of a cake – the success is like the icing on the cake. If there is no cake, there can be no icing. If there are no foundation stones, there can be no success.

For me the foundation stones are integrity, ethics, and the pillars of life.

Over the next few weeks we’ll be coving those points in detail, based on our findings. In the meantime, please be thinking of your own beliefs – what is integrity, what are ethics, who do you know who displays these, who do you know who does NOT display these and what differences do you see in their lives?

Today at 12 noon Pacific, 3 pm eastern, we’ll be interviewing the first of three extraordinary women who display these traits. Today we’ll talk with Beth Walkup and find out HOW she creates her mind set, how she has developed it over the years, so that we don’t have to re-create the wheel. We can take what we like, adapt it to our needs, and run with it!!! If you would like to join us, just go to and click on Motivational Marathon.

With the donations we receive, we’ll be contributing 100% to giving loans to women in Rwanda to start self supporting businesses and agricultural ventures. It won’t be $31 Billion yet, but it WILL impact the lives of hundreds, maybe thousands. I suppose Warren Buffett started with one small step too. We’ll find out and let you know. Hope to see you on today’s call, or tomorrow when we interview two-time **Business Woman of the Year,** Hilde Bartlett from England!