Monday, January 29, 2007

Satisfaction Jotter

By Christine Harvey

Napolean Hill says in his book, ‘Think and Grow Rich,’ that most people go through life in poverty because they don’t exercise control over their thoughts… “The dominate thoughts which one permits to remain in the conscious mind,” he says - are all powerful.

I remember a young employee I once had who showed great potential, but didn’t have the confidence to do the job we needed him to do – he was uncomfortable making calls to company presidents. I debated about what to do with him. Should I fire him? Or train him? And if so, how?

I decided on this course of action. Every night at 5:25, I sat with him for 5 minutes and asked him to tell me TWO things he enjoyed or got satisfaction from THAT DAY in his job. Then I had him jot it down. After he gave me his two points, I told him a skill I saw in him that allowed him to enjoy that aspect of the job. If he said he enjoyed listening to me talk on the phone to a CEO, I said, “Well Bob, the strength I see in you is that you’re able to discern what is good to say and what’s good not to say. That shows ME that you have great executive potential and will soon be talking to these company presidents like a pro yourself!” You should have seen the look in his eyes as I told him these things! By linking what he enjoyed to his potential, HE SAW HIMSELF IN A NEW LIGHT. (By the way, a side benefit was that it GAVE ME GREAT JOY to impact a human being in this way!)

This procedure became so successful that I devoted an entire chapter on it in my book, ‘Successful Motivation in a Week.’ Afterwards people wrote to say how this technique helped them.

One women, Clara Buck – a VERY DISTINGUISHED BUSINESSWOMAN in England wrote to say, “Although I consider myself a very positive person, I have to tell you that this technique has taken me from having a great life to an amazing life! The first night I started your Satisfaction Jotting, I sat by myself reviewing the day in order to find what I had enjoyed, and here’s what my mind first thought: ‘Surely nothing has been noteworthy.’ The day felt so full of tasks and burdens,” she said.

“But I carried on seeking the gem from that day that I might have enjoyed. What happened next shocked me. I had a flood of fabulous things come to mind from that day – people I talked to on the phone, the colleague who dropped a gift off to me, the gorgeous sunset on my trip home – all of these had been forgotten by my mind.” She went on to say that she believes our minds dwell on negativity unless we CONSCIENTIOUSLY work to see the goodness. Within 3 days of starting the Satisfaction Jotting, she felt she was on a whole new vibration level. “I’m experiencing totally new joy in life, day after day” she said.

Another person – one who HATED HIS JOB, wrote to say that EVERYTHING LOOKED SO BLEAK in his life that he had to force himself to jot down 2 things in the journal each night. He felt desperate and trapped in his job. Within two weeks of reviewing his day for enjoyment and satisfaction points, he was attracting new people in his life and get this – he received a promotion at work! His salary went up commensurately and he was on cloud nine.

He told us, “I can’t believe that a few minutes a day, focusing on something positive, could have changed my life around as it did! Now I’m thinking THROUGHTOUT THE DAY of what I enjoy, and it only takes me seconds to record it at night. What a difference a few seconds and a mind shift can make!”

Try this 3 SECOND FOCUS TIP yourself. Be on the watch today for two things you enjoy or get satisfaction from. Tonight, take 3 seconds to jot them down. When you do this for two weeks, you’ll discover amazing talents you have, your inner confidence will go up, AND you’ll be attracting the people, prosperity and miracles in your life that you seek.

Napolean Hill was right, that most people do go through life in poverty because they don’t exercise control over their thoughts. The dominate thoughts we permit to stay in our minds are all powerful!

Try this and let us know YOUR results.
Email Co-Founder, Liz Uible :

…Who do you know with great potential? Share support and tools of advancement with them:

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