Sunday, February 11, 2007

Creating Life 'On Purpose'

By Christine Harvey

In our 'member only call' last Friday, I talked about the results I've had in Creating a Miracle, the subject of last week's articles. In those articles I told about Sue Dyer, the nationally known mediator, and her advice to us. She recommended reviewing the day as we fall asleep, looking for the miracle in each and every event. For Sue, a miracle is A CHANGE IN PERSPECTIVE. That definition alone gave us pause for thought. Not a new car in the driveway, not a miracle diet with 20 pounds lost instantly – but A CHANGE IN PERSPECTIVE! Some of us wondered, "Why is a change in perspective, a miracle?"

From that day forward I set out to find out for myself. Sue said, "I never have a day without a miracle, when I start my day by asking for one!" That seemed motivating to me, and so I tried it. Every night I examined my day, event by event, looking for the miracle in it. And each day I DID see a change in my perspective. I saw things from a more positive viewpoint. I saw new angles that had not occurred to me before. AND I HAD INFINITELY MORE JOY IN MY LIFE. But here's the real miracle. After only 2 nights of these reviews, guess what happened? I actually started to see the miracle AS IT HAPPENED, rather than waiting until my nightly review!

Well, you might ask, "So what?" The 'what' is that seeing the miracle AS IT HAPPENS brings you joy NOW. Lynn Grabhorn says in her book, 'Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting,' that "Feeling good means positive energy is flowing to us, through us and from us, and we're creating on purpose." Isn't that what we all want – to create on purpose? To not let our lives be on auto pilot, sometimes good and sometimes bad? No, what we want is for life to ALWAYS be as good as WE CAN MAKE IT.

30 SECOND FOCUS TIP – As you fall asleep tonight, review each event of the day – and LOOK for the miracle in that event. Turn it around in your mind as you would turn a beach ball in your hands. Look at it from different angles, by looking for 'the miracle' in it; you'll have a new perspective. That new perspective will bring you joy and that joy will lead you to CREATING life on purpose, the life of your dreams. Thank you Sue, for sharing with us!

By the way, if you would like to be part of our 'Member Only" program, with calls, support and Wealth Building curriculum, you still have time to join. Simply go to and check it out. From now through March we are focusing on creating the foundation stones of mental attitude for success, and later we are moving on to business creation methods.

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