Sunday, February 18, 2007

The 'Time' Part of the Law of Attraction

by Liz Uible

As I was searching on-line yesterday for the 2nd Oprah episode on the Secret, I ran across several other interviews with the cast of “The Secret.”

In one of them, James Allen Ray talks about the 3 steps to the Law of Attraction:

1)Focus on exactly what you want

2)Gestation period or TIME

3)Take action and receive

This reminds me of a how important TIME is.

I remember a great conversation I had with a student who was just in the beginning stages of creating her life consciously. She generous and kind, and wanted more true friendships in her life. So I told her about the three steps all farmers know about reaping a harvest:

1) First you plant seed

2) Then you wait for the seed to grow into plants

3) Then you can harvest the crop.

First you sow friendship. “How about spending 30 minutes in a nursing home being friendly to people who have lost many of their friends” I asked her? “Why not be the kind of friend YOU want for the friends you already have?” So she started to do these things.

But nothing happened for a while. She got frustrated and started digging up the seeds to see why they weren’t growing. And that was a problem. She wasn’t giving them the time it takes for them to grow, to go from seed to harvest. This second step takes Faith. She took a look and realized that in shifting your thoughts and actions, sometimes it takes time to grow into a result. Now she has lots of friends and is experimenting with creating other things in her life.

I used to hear this wisdom mistakenly as two steps “Seed Time” and “Harvest.” Someone had to point out to me that creating the life you want, like growing a crop, is done in three steps, not two. “Seed,” “Time” and “Harvest.” Are each distinct and important. Be careful not to go digging up the seeds to see what is happening under the dirt. We have to have Faith that something is indeed growing under there.

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