Monday, March 26, 2007

A Life Changing Key to Success

from Christine Harvey

I picked up a copy of ‘How to Stop Worrying and Start Living’ from my book case this morning. To my surprise, I found notes in it to myself about the author’s writing style. It took my memories back to the time I was writing my first book, ’In Pursuit of Profit,’ and wanted to copy the style of the most successful author I could find. That particular book by Dale Carnegie, had sold 6,000,000 copies! I remember thinking, “What better model could I have?” My notes showed how often he used italicized font, how often he indented, how many paragraphs he had per page, and how easy they were to read. The techniques worked - my own book succeeded in gaining the second highest monetary advance in the history of the publishing company, and to be a best seller in 8 languages. From then on, I’ve been convinced that ‘mimicking the successful’ is one of the life-changing keys to success.

Have you ever thought about asking people you respect how they do what they do? When I interviewed many of the world’s top sales people for my second book called ‘Secrets of the World’s Top Sales Performers,’ I was amazed to discover that this seldom happens. These top achievers told me that they were never questioned by their company or their colleagues about HOW THEY ACHIEVED THEIR SUCCESS. “What a wasted opportunity!” I remember thinking how powerful it would be for everyone to learn these techniques. And yet, these top achievers were SO willing and raring to talk about these principles that they had worked so hard to master in their lifetimes!

So now we come to you. Who do you know in your life who has a skill or life principle that you admire? Why not talk to them about it? For example, you may admire a colleague’s courage in speaking up. By saying, “Say Mary, I’ve often noticed and admired how you speak out at meetings, and I wonder how you have the courage to do that. What is your mindset that allows you to do that? I’d like to learn from you, if you don’t mind sharing!” I guarantee that Mary will be delighted to share. By asking her, she’ll feel complimented and acknowledged by you.

3 Second Focus Tip – Think now, who do you admire for a certain trait or skill? What is that exactly, and how would you use it in your life? What results could you possible achieve with that skill as part of your tool box for life? These questions will motivate you to talk with the person. Now, thin k of a time and a place you can talk with the person. Will you do it over lunch in a relaxed atmosphere? Are they in another town, and you’ll call and have a chat? Or, maybe a stranger you admire. What approach might you make? Take these 3 seconds to decide who and what, then add it to your agenda for today. Try this and write to me with YOUR results at I’m counting on you to be everything you can be for the world!

This article is written by Christine Harvey, author of 6 leadership books sold in 25 languages, by 48 publishers including ‘Your Pursuit of Profit,’ ‘Secrets of the World’s Top Sales Performers’ and ‘Can a Girl Run for President?’

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